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Newbie Star Trek

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Mar 21, 2023

The Mind's Eye! Geordi's sexy trip to Risa gets interrupted when some sinister Romulans capture him and turn him into a Manchurian candidate! Will Data be able to figure out the sinister plot in time? Will the backstabbing Klingon ambassador get found out? Will Sara continue to be triggered by exposed crotches? Tune in...

Mar 14, 2023

The Host! No, not the bonkers Bong Joon-ho scifi classic or the romantic sci-fi novel by Stephanie Meyer, but the episode of TNG! Man, "The Host" sure is a popular title! And yes, the episode that introduced the Trill, and yes, Beverly totally gets her mack on. But how'll she take it when she finds out how the Trill...

Mar 7, 2023

Half a Life! A deeply philosophical and somber episode straddles us with questions such as "Should we decide when elder adults become culturally obsolete?", "Should we interfere with the cultural customs of other societies, even when we find them deeply morally reprehensible?", and "Why is Lwaxana Troi still here?"...