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Newbie Star Trek

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Jun 27, 2023

Disaster! A quantum filament rocks the Enterprise! Picard is trapped in the turbolift with his worst nightmare, three children! Geordi and Beverly are trapped in the shuttle bay with a ghost fire and explosive barrels! Worf has to deliver Keiko's baby! Riker and Data have to cut off Data's head to get into Engineering!...

Jun 20, 2023

Silicon Avatar! Who would've guessed that the Crystalline Entity would ever come back? Well, I guess Marvin did since he already saw the episode before, but Ricardo, Sara, and Dan didn't! Are we ready for a crazier version of the Admiral Satie performance from "The Drumhead"? Too bad, it's happening already! 


If you...

Jun 6, 2023

Ensign Ro! Well, Wesley's gone, and we need a new spunky low-ranking character that's constantly accused of committing war crimes. Why not Ro Laren? Also, this story is DEFINITELY not about the Israel-Palestine conflict at all. Not one bit. 


If you want a closer look at Beverly Crusher riding a unicycle: