Mar 19, 2024
Relics! Some old drunk guy named Scotty comes aboard the Enterprise, and he acts really old. Our two newbies, Ricardo and Sara, have no idea who he is. How does a viewer evaluate a sentimental episode when the viewer doesn't have the sentimental backstory? Tune in and find out!
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Mar 12, 2024
Man Of The People! Deanna's getting her life force sucked out to sustain the calm mind of an empath ambassador who needs to negotiate peace between two warring factions. Wow, that's a doozy of a sentence. Also, some other people are there, I guess. Also, this episode is RIDDLED with misogyny, from both the ambassador...
Mar 5, 2024
Realm Of Fear! Barclay returns, and this time he demonstrates his legitimate fear of transporters! But then he WebMDs his symptoms and gets himself all worked up over some worms that are very much real! Can we ever escape this realm? This realm... of fear?!
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